
April Birthdays!

Happy April Birthdays to my family!!!

Madelynn turned 5...

The twins (Katie and Carter) turned 7...

And Danny Ryan turned 31...

My Grandma and Alan's sister Amy both had a birthday too but I don't have a picture of either of them on my new camera yet. Happy Birthday to you all!

Speaking of our camera.....we have only had it since February and when Chad and April were here 2 weekends ago I was taking a picture and a tennis ball that Chad and Alan were playing catch with pegged me in the face and I dropped it right on the lens...and it's totally broken. It won't open or close or do anything. Lol...guess I'll save a little out of the next few paychecks and go get another one! I need it before my visit home in June! And don't worry, I was not injured in the accident.

I have more pics to post soon...today hopefully :-) I hope everyone is good!


Allison said...

Kelly, I love all the comments you post on our blog!! So fun!!! Glad to hear all is well.

The Click Family said...

Ok - I think I might be figuring out this Blogging thing!! I love to see the updates on how you two are doing. Looks like you guys are settling in just fine. We won't be able to be home for the baby shower but everyone will be in our thoughts!! I know Steve definitely wants to be there for the birth. So he will be there one way or another!! Well - I think I'm going to try blogging myself. I'll let you know how it goes!
Love you both,
